Renner Safaris
August 2016 Tanzania Photo Safari
Dream, Explore, Discover
As we flew toward Savute I was filled with eager anticipation about the wildlife we would encounter. Suddenly I spotted two elephants in a waterhole below us and snapped a quick picture. Elephant sightings are always a great way to begin a safari. Botswana always provides us with a great safari experience and this time would prove to be exceptional.
We had a fabulous time photographing three different prides of lions with small cubs. They were absolutely captivating to watch and great fun to photograph!
Cautious cubs at the edge of the Chobe River.
This mud bath feels so good!
Spoonbills take flight while male Red Lechwe chases off his competitor.
He’s gaining ground!
This one must be a lover and not a fighter. Looks like he is hiding from the tough guys.
One Happy Elephant!
Here, Mom, I Can help!
Hey! That is my piece of meat.
The buffalo made a good meal for the whole pride.
Pardon me, is this seat be available?
Muddy Marauder
But Mom, I wasn’t trying to get this dirty.
Under Protective Custody.
Sneak Attack!
African Wild Dogs
We encountered many wild dogs in both Botswana and Zambia.
African Wild Dog
Leaping Impala
Wallowing Warthog
Leopard resting in a large acacia tree
Watchful Leopard
Young Impala
Perfect Landing
Hippos in the Cabbage Patch
Long Reach to Water
At the river’s edge
Frolicking Elephants
Elephant Grass in the Okavango Delta
Just Resting
Elephant’s Playtime
The Challenge
In the fight, one Cape buffalo bull lifts the other in the air! They weigh 2000 pounds!
Then punishes him mercilessly while he is down! The one on the ground was lucky that after the beating he was able to get up and run away.
Cool Morning Drink
Ouch! Your little claws are sharp!
How is this for handsome?
I wonder why they call me a Snake Bird or an African Darter?
Oh, I love this muddy feeling!
Baboon eating water lilies in the Chobe River. Check out his stuffed cheek!
Keeping an eye out for dangerous crocodiles.
Oh, that looks like a really big one now!
Xaxanaka Lodge in the Okavango Delta
Our Airplane
African Jacana or Lillie Trotter
Wattled Crane in Flight
Five Foot Tall Wattled Crane
White-Crowned Plover or Lapwing
Spotted Thick-knee
A portion of Victoria Falls
Entrance to Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia
This is the lodge in Zambia that elephants walk up the stairs and past this reception desk to eat the wild mango fruit from the tree in the background. It is a beautiful lodge with tremendous numbers and varieties of wildlife in the areas surrounding it.
Male Puku Kob
I hope you will join me on safari in the future for your African safari adventure of a lifetime! May your days be filled with fantastic photo adventures and as always, remember to enjoy each day.
~Paul Renner
Each of our safaris has been a tremendous photographic experience! I can hardly wait to return to Tanzania next week. Why don’t you join us on one of our safaris for the enriching experience of capturing your own photographs with me on safari in the wilds of Africa!
Our safaris make a wonderful graduation gift that will be remembered and cherished for a lifetime!
Please forward the newsletter to friends who might enjoy it.
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For information regarding safaris and reservations call
Paul Renner at 949-295-3136
or e-mail at
You may also contact Best Safaris at
Phone: 714-349-7112 (Prem)
CST # 2073854-40